
Whatever you church or non-profit needs are, Refresh Digital Services has what you need to be found and accessible in our online world


Website Refresh - Get your current site revamped to stand out and look brand new - $300 

New Site Build - Don't have a site? No problem! We will work with you from start to launch - $500

Extra Support

Basic Monthly Support - $15/mo (Up to 5 changes/updates per month, )

Complete Monthly Support - $35/mo (5 changes a week + 30 min consult/month)

Premium Monthly Support - $55/mo (unlimited changes + 3 pages a year + 1 Hour Consult/month, emergency website issue response)

All plans provide updates and changes within currently available website pages. A change is defined as an update or rearrangement of content. (i.e.replacing the photos on a photo gallery is 1 change)

Other than the Premium plan, new pages cost $65/page.

If extra training/consulting is desired beyond the scope of the core website is $28/hr.

Social Media

Social Media Evaluation - FREE!

Social Media Training, get your team equipped to tackle all your social media needs! - $250/group training session

Monthly Social Media Managment - Contact For Pricing


Do you have a podcast idea you want to get off the ground?

Podcast Setup - $375 (includes logo, website, distributor setup)

Podcast Episode - $65/episode (video and audio)

Other Services

We can offer a variety of other needed digital services such a logo design, copy/marketing writing,advising, website & email hosting, digital creative design. Contact us for more!